Friday, November 8, 2013

What I envisioned at the beginning of Fall Semester 2013

On August 29th I was asked to write up a Project Summary.

Basically write down what and how I envisioned this project to do in the future. 
So in one page I came up with the following:

Plastic Continents Research Project Summary

Background Information:
-      “Plastic Continent(s)” is only one out of many other aliases for a current phenomenon that has been happening in our oceans today.
-      In 1997, Captain Charles Moore, whom was part of the Algalita Marine Research Foundation, discovered and made the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” public.
-      Since many companies, organizations that are profit and non-profit, as well as inventors have worked on finding solutions.
-      Some preventive: Beach clean-ups, recycling, etc...
-      Other solution revolve on recycling plastic to turn it into:
-      a single type of plastic
-      Mike Biddle and MBAPolymers Co.
-      fuel
-      Akinori Ito and Cleantechnica
-      awareness
-      Natacha Palay and as an intermediary website connecting all sources into one webpage

Goal with doing a research Program with USF:
            -Research what type of research has been made on this remarkable discovery
            -collect found data
            -update website
            -interview known researchers who have been studying “Plastic Continents”
            -and ultimately create an Art Piece that could be displayed on USF Campus to show      involvement in the cause and fundamentally spread awareness.

What would the ART Sculpture entail:
            -Recuperated pieces of plastic from our ocean.
            -oral presentation that would explain goal and spread awareness as well as information
            -start a new type of curiosity in finding new solutions to this known problem, the mass have been hidden from.
            -and perhaps make USF the first campus have 100% BIODegradable (biobased) Plastic.

Who could be involved:
            -Chemistry Departments                               -Marketing and Advertising Departments
            -Biology Department                                     -School of Art
            -Marine Biology department                         -Law
            -Business departments                                   -and so many more!
            -Engineering Departments

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