Friday, November 29, 2013

Thank You Boyan Slat

Engineering Student Claims his invention will clean up our oceans in five years.


So today's post is about thanking 19 year old, Boyan Slat.

As the article states:

A Dutch teenager has invented a device that he claims could clean up some 20 billion tonnes of
plastic waste from the world's oceans.
Boyan Slat, 19, came up with the idea of a series of floating booms and processing platforms designed to collect floating plastic rubbish.
The 'ocean cleanup' concept is designed to capture the floating plastic but allow life like fish and plankton to pass through unharmed, while saving the waste materials to be recycled.
How does it work?
The Ocean Cleanup Array is an anchored network of floating booms and processing platforms will span the radius of a gyre.
The booms act as giant funnels where the angle of the booms effectively 'suck' rubbish in.
The debris enters the platforms, where it will be filtered out of the water and eventually stored in containers until collected for recycling on land.
One of the most significant advantages of using booms instead of nets is that marine life cannot be caught in them.
Furthermore, because the transport of plastic along the booms is driven by the currents, it’s slow enough for organisms to escape...

Sounds to good to be true? Yes. Unfortunately, it does. The concept is amazing, and a great beginning, but a non-factual one.

I personally don't want to share all the problems I have come across with Slat's concepts, because I too come up with ideas, concepts, and inventions that seem amazing and the only thing people can do is critique on just the complications. So I will leave my commentaries out.

What I will say instead is that I am glad people, young ones at that, are aware of this occurrence, and are "inventing" concepts to solve it! I also hope he will also prove us, the skeptics, wrong!

Personally, I've been working with the University of South Florida on an undergraduate research project on spreading awareness and creating change through an art piece
Just last week, I met up with my Mentor, Lisa Piazza, and discussed how I conceptualized the project.
Let me just tell you, I received nothing but positive feedback!! So... you better get excited because it's going to be nothing less than Awesome.
But to finish this blog correctly, I would like to thank you Boyan Slat.
For putting yourself out there and already succeeding.

Make sure you Check out his website:

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